fake Rolex Explorer I 214270 Mk1

Two Fake Rolex Explorer 214270 Without Updated Reference

Rolex is a passionate luxury watch brand. Each of its series has specific features. From DateJust, Day-Date to various professional tools. They have become an indispensable tool in specific working environments. For example, this Explorer collection is associated with adventure.

Previously the name of Explorer was Bubbleback. Explorer was registered by Rolex in January 1953. Bubbleback’s experience laid a solid foundation for Explorer. In 1927, the British swimmer Mercedes Gleitze crossed the English Channel with it. Since 1933, Rolex has been working with Himalayas and Everest expeditions. Even Tenzing Norgay ascended to Everest wearing Explorer 6098.

2010 Rolex Explorer I 214270 Mk1

fake Rolex Explorer I 214270 Mk1 Rolex Explorer I 214270 Mk1 fake

Rolex has two fake Rolex Explorer I 214270 watches. The first Ref.214270 was born in 2010. Its appearance is the biggest update of the Explorer collection. Ref. 214270 in 2010 changed the proportion of classics. The case has grown from the original 36MM to 39MM. The change in size is on the one hand to be more suitable for modern people. The other is to accommodate the more reliable Cal. 3132 movement. Because the previous 36MM was too small to fit the Cal.3132 movement. The Cal.3132 movement incorporates Parachrom hairsprings and Paraflex shock absorbers. Therefore, it can provide greater earthquake resistance, and can also withstand the more severe adventure environment.

2016 Rolex Explorer I 214270 Mk2

Rolex Explorer I M214270 Mk2 fake

The 2016 fake Rolex Explorer I 214270 is the same size as the 2010 Explorer. Oystersteel case and classic 3-6-9 black dial. Also used Cal. 3132 movement which can provide 48 hours of power. And they are all waterproof to 100M. If you want to go underwater, you need a more professional diving fake watch, Submariner. Because Explorer is more suitable for land exploration.

fake Rolex Explorer I M214270 Mk2

Although the two watches are similar, there are important differences between them. Timestamps and hands use Chromalight. This makes them glow blue in the dark. This is the role fake Rolex Explorer I 214270 updated by Rolex without changing the number.

The size of Explorer I M214270 is increased by 3MM. But it is still the last stainless steel sports watch less than 40MM by Rolex. And Explorer is the entry-level watch in Rolex’s sports collections. But unfortunately it is not many. If you like, you can buy it in the e-luxurywatches store.