Swiss Fake Rolex Watch With Calm Chocolate Dial

Swiss Rolex watches that have always been pursuing quality and performance, its styles are generally classic heritage. Generally speaking, the design of Rolex’s new watches will not change much. So black or white smooth dial is the most common dial. But next, I will introduce a few fake Rolex watches with chocolate dials.

Rolex Day-Date 118135 36MM

fake Swiss Rolex Day-Date 118135 watch

Replica Rolex Day-Date 118135 was released in 2013 and has a chocolate dial with a dark brown leather strap. And the 36MM case uses expensive 18k Everose rose gold. Then the bezel is a classic grooved bezel. In addition to the simple rectangular index, the dial also has a 12 o’clock day window and a three o’clock date window. Rolex Day-Date 118135 is equipped with NO.3155 movement. NO.3155 movement has a power reserve of 48 hours and a water-resistant depth of 100 meters. Although this 36MM Swiss fake Rolex watch is classified as a male watch, it is also very suitable for girls.

Rolex Sky-Dweller 328135 42MM

Swiss fake Rolex Sky-Dweller 328135 with chocolate dial

Sky-Dweller is the most sophisticated watch collection in Rolex. The materials and colors of the replica Rolex Sky-Dweller 328135 are exactly the same as the previous watch. Although there is the same rose gold case and always crocodile leather strap, this is the dial design and the function of this model is different. Near the six o’clock position there is a circle showing the second time zone. And there is a corresponding month window on the outside of each time scale. Of course, it has one of the most complex NO.9001 movements. The NO.9001 movement can not only store 72 hours of power but also anti-magnetic Parachrom hairspring and anti-vibration Paraflex shock absorber. This Swiss fake Rolex watch is the best companion for travelers and business people.

Rolex Yacht-Master 116621 40MM

Swiss fake Rolex Yacht-Master 116621 with chocolate dial

Replica Rolex Yacht-Master 116621 was released in 2016. The 116621 with chocolate dial is the first watch in the Yacht-Master series to be fitted with the Everose Rolesor. And there is a sunburst on the chocolate dial, which changes depending on the lighting conditions. Everose gold then appeared on the bezel, the hour-markers and the center link of the bracelet. So this fake watch has one of the most beautiful bezels in a Rolex watch. Yacht-Master 116621 is powered by movement NO. 3135. Movement NO.3135 with blue Parachrom hairspring can store 48 hours of power. Meanwhile, Rolex Yacht-Master 116621 has a water resistance of 100 meters. This Swiss fake Rolex watch embodies the perfect combination of stainless steel and Everose rose gold.

Rolex Datejust 126331 41MM

Swiss fake Rolex Datejust 126331 with chocolate dial

In 2009, the Datejust series for the first time introduced 41+ large size watches. This watch uses the same materials as the previous one. But the replica Rolex Datejust 126331 is bigger and thinner. The most important thing is that it uses diamond time scales. It uses NO.3235 movement and can store 70 hours of power. A Swiss fake Rolex watch with a diamond chocolate dial is a good choice. This fake watch for sale at hontwatch.

Rolex Daytona 116515LN 40MM

Swiss fake Rolex Daytona 116515LN with chocolate dial

Replica Rolex Daytona 116515LN has a classic chocolate panda dial. The 40MM case is an 18K Everose rose gold case. Then the bezel is a black integrated Cerachrom bezel with a tachymeter scale. Most importantly, the rubber-wrapped Oysterflex strap is very soft. So Rolex Daytona 116515LN is very comfortable to wear on the wrist. Rolex NO.4130 movement can store 72 hours of power. Rolex Daytona 116515LN is a very reliable Swiss fake Rolex watch.

The Swiss fake Rolex watch on the chocolate dial is more calm and elegant. In fact, these chocolate watches are more suitable for suits than daily T-shirts. If you also want to buy a business watch, the Rolex watch with a chocolate dial is a good choice.

Red Replica Luxury Watch For Happy Day

What color watch do you wear on festive or grand occasions? I think red luxury watches are a good choice. Because in western countries, red is the color of love and it is also a color commonly used at Christmas. So let me introduce a red replica luxury watch.

Rolex Day-Date 118139 36MM

replica luxury watch Rolex Day-Date 118139 36MM

In fact, this is not a red watch, but a cherry. I chose it because it was cute and special enough. Rolex Day-Date 118139 also has 36MM, so it is a female watch. Uniquely, it uses a grooved bezel made of 18kt white gold. There are actually five models of the Rolex Day-Date with a cherry dial. This is the only Day-Date that uses a Bordeaux red leather strap. And leather straps fit more places than stainless steel straps. Replica Rolex Day-Date 118139 uses the NO. 3155 movement with 31 gems. The NO. 3155 movement can store 48 hours of power. This is a unique Rolex replica luxury watch.

Omega Seamaster Ref: 394.142.1321 42MM

replica Omega Seamaster 394.142.1321

This is a very retro Omega watch. The overall design is very simple. The dial is bright red, and the strap is a red-brown alligator leather strap. Replica Omega Seamaster 394.142.1321 has a thin bezel, so the dial looks larger. The center of the dial is only hours and minutes. The red circle at six o’clock shows the time in seconds.  The smooth bottom cover encloses an automatic winding core. 42MM Omega Seamaster should be suitable for boys. But because of the red dial, it is also suitable for girls.

Omega De Ville Trésor Ref: 435. 40MM

replica luxury watch Omega De Ville Trésor 435.

The Omega Seamaster written above is a red vintage watch. The next thing to say is a stylish red replica luxury watch. This is a 125th-anniversary watch. And this should be one of the easiest watches to design. The dial and strap are stylish Burgundy red. The bezel, crown, hands and hour markers are made of gold. This 125th-anniversary replica  Omega Seamaster De Ville watch uses a new NO.8929 movement. NO.8929 movement is the Omega brand’s first automatic movement certified by METAS. There is also a red circle on the case back, with the interesting “OMEGA 125YEARS” carved inside. So a watch that is both memorable and stylish is definitely a great choice.

IWC Big Pilot IW503002 46.5MM

replica IWC Big Pilot IW503002 watch red

The design of this Big Pilot is inspired by Lewis Hamilton. IW503002 is big and heavy, and it is one of the most complicated watches. The dial is Bordeaux red. The fabric strap echoes the dial and uses the same color. The black bezel is made of zirconia. The remaining hands, crown, and case back are all 18K red gold. Replica IWC Big Pilot IW503002 provides date, time, year, month, and timer functions. And at 12 o’clock there are two hemispheres bimonthly. The fairly reliable NO.52615 movement can provide 168 hours of power. There are only 100 such exquisite luxury watches, so it is difficult to buy.

Cartier Tank Louis AS02948 23.5MM

replica red Cartier Tank Louis AS02948

No matter what era, Cartier Tank is the embodiment of classic and fashion. This replica Tank Louis AS02948 has just begun retailing under the “Must de Cartier” label. The bright red dial and the dark red alligator strap make this watch more suitable for beautiful days. Although the color of Cartier Tank Louis AS02948 is very bright, its small square shell keeps it elegant and noble. In order to control the price, the case of AS02948 uses gold-plated sterling silver. However, the 23.5MM case contains a reliable automatic movement. So a red manual winding Tank Louis is definitely a wise choice.

Hublot Big Bang Ref: 411.CF.8513.RX 45MM

replica luxury watch red Hublot Big Bang Ref:411.CF.8513.RX 45MM

Finally, recommend a handsome red Hublot. Replica Hublot has always pursued innovation. Hublot’s R & D department creates a bright ceramic, which is harder than traditional ceramics. The case and bezel of this Big Bang use red ceramic. The hands and hour markers inside the dial also use the same red. For the overall design, the strap also uses a red rubber strap, which is very harmonious as a whole. Can’t such a high-tech replica luxury watch attract handsome guys?

In the end, I don’t think a person needs to have many red watches, but you definitely have one. The above six red luxury watches include elegant, vintage, classic and handsome. You can choose different styles of red watches according to your needs.

Two Replica Entry-level Rolex Watches, OP 39MM VS DJ 41MM

A watch that is cheap and easy to buy can be called an entry-level watch. Even the luxurious Rolex has entry-level watches. We next explain the replica entry-level Rolex watches of the Oyster Perpetual and Datejust series.

Before discussing these two watches, let me tell you their specific models. Oyster Perpetual 126300 39MM and Datejust 114300 40MM. Both watches are on sale at Rolex’s website now. Datejust 114300 is the cheapest watch in the Datejust 40MM series. But Oyster Perpetual 126300 is not the cheapest in the 39MM series. Because the Oyster Perpetual 126300 has the same black dial as the Datejust 114300, I chose the 126300 which is $ 100 more expensive than the cheapest Oyster Perpetual 39MM.

Oyster Perpetual 39mm VS replica Rolex Datejust 41mm

This article doesn’t say much about the background stories of replica Rolex‘s two series. We start directly with the watch itself.


replica Rolex Datejust 41mm replica Rolex Oyster Perpetual 39mm

If you don’t look at the words on the dial, I think most people will think that these two watches are the same. These two replica entry-level Rolex watches both use 904L Oystersteel. The same black dial and smooth bezel further confuse us. And they also use pointers of the same shape. The waterproof depth is 100M. Let’s take a closer look at Oyster Perpetual 126300 39MM and Datejust 114300 40MM.


In fact, there are many differences in careful analysis. Now I will explain one by one.

Date Window

Replica Rolex Datejust 114300 40MM Date window

The date window should be the most obvious difference. Rolex Datejust 114300 reflects the design of the “Date” of the name, so there is a date window at three o’clock. And Rolex’s designers also thoughtfully added Cyclops’ lens to it. Oyster Perpetual 126300 is even simpler, without adding a date window.

Dial Scale

Two Replica Entry-level Rolex Watches Datejust 114300 40MM Dial ScaleTwo Replica Entry-level Rolex Watches Oyster Perpetual 126300 39MM Dial Scale

The 12-hour tick marks are exactly the same, both rectangular and 12-point crowns. The difference is the minute scale. Datejust 114300 is marked with white Arabic numerals every five minutes. The replica Rolex Oyster Perpetual 126300 is represented by a solid white square every five minutes. And Oyster Perpetual’s remaining minute scale is fatter than Datejust.


Replica Rolex Oyster Perpetual 126300 39MM oyster braceletReplica Rolex Datejust 114300 40MM jubilee bracelet

The bracelets of these two replica entry-level Rolex watches are still very different. Although the same materials are used, the designs are different. Oyster Perpetual 39MM uses the oyster bracelet. The Datejust 41MM uses a jubilee bracelet. If the jubilee bracelet is softer and more comfortable, then the oyster bracelet is more durable. Because they use different connection methods. The jubilee bracelet is a five-piece chain metal bracelet, while the oyster bracelet is a three-piece chain.


Replica Rolex Datejust 114300 40MM easylink

In the buckle project, replica Rolex Datejust 114300 is the winner. Because it uses folding Oysterclasp with Easylink 5 mm comfort extension link. The Oyster Perpetual 39MM is an ordinary oyster clasp. With Easylink, you can easily adjust the size of your bracelet in any situation.


replica Rolex 3132 Movementreplica Rolex 3235 Movement

The quality of a watch is mainly determined by the movement. Oyster Perpetual 126300 39MM and Datejust 114300 40MM use NO.3132 movement and NO.3235 movement respectively. Both watches are certified by COSC. But from the price, we can see that NO.3235 movement is even better. Not only because the NO.3235 movement has a date function, but also because it is equipped with a high-performance Paraflex shock absorber. Moreover, the power reserve of the NO.3235 movement has 70 hours, which is 22 hours more than that of the NO.3132 movement. The price difference between these two replica entry-level Rolex watches is mainly due to the different movements.

Finally, I want to say that although entry-level watches are versatile and easy to buy, they generally WILL not add value. So I don’t recommend collecting entry-level watches. You can actually buy a entry-level first replica  watch. Then save the money to buy value-added Rolex. Of course, this is my personal opinion, you can ignore it.

The article ends here. The differences between these two replica entry-level Rolex watches have been written in great detail, and I hope to help you who are hesitating.

Best Replica IWC Watches For Women In 2020

There are more than twenty days before Christmas. This means that 2020 is here. IWC’s new watch has not been released yet, so continue to take a look at best replica IWC watches for women In 2020.

Da Vinci IW459306 36MM

Best Replica IWC Watches For Women In 2020 DA VINCI IW459306

IW459306 is a watch from Da Vinci’s AUTOMATIC MOON PHASE. AUTOMATIC MOON PHASE is also the most popular watch in the Da Vinci series. So why did I choose it? Not only because IW459306 has a beautiful external design, but also a reliable internal. Inside is NO.35800 movement with 171 components and 42 hours power reserve. Replica DA VINCI IW459306 is composed of white and blue. The case is polished stainless steel. This case adds gloss to this watch. The dial’s blue hands, Arabic numerals, and white dial exude a stylish aesthetic. The moon phases at 12 o’clock are complemented by a dark blue-toned night sky and silver moons and stars. A dark blue alligator strap brings a sense of stability to this watch. This blue-based IW459306 is definitely one of the Best Replica IWC Watches.

Da Vinci IW458312 36MM

Best Replica IWC Watches For Women In 2020 DA VINCI IW458312

Now that I’m talking about Da Vinci, let me talk about another Da Vinci. IW458312 is a relatively simple IWC watch. This watch is an Automatic from the Da Vinci collection. The case and strap are the same as the previous Da Vinci, so I will not write more. But Da Vinci IW458312 uses NO.35111 movement. NO.35111 movement has the same power reserve time but has fewer components. The dial is calm blue. Inside the dial is an immersion ring. The masonry on the ring is at six o’clock. The convex sapphire crystal has an anti-reflective coating. With the help of reflective coatings, people can read the time clearly in the sun. And Da Vinci IW458312 also has a waterproof depth of 30M. This simple and practical IW458312 has also been included in my Best Replica IWC Watch.

Portofino IW458107 37MM

Best Replica IWC Watches For Women In 2020 PORTOFINO IW458107

DA VINCI came to an end, followed by Portofino. After all, it is a women’s watch, so I prepared the elegant IW458107. IW458107 is a replica watch from Portofino AUTOMATIC. The rose gold bezel is set with 66 diamonds by hand. Roman numerals and hour and minute hands in the dial want to echo. The beating blue pointer adds fun to the IW458107. The lilac crocodile leather strap not only embodies elegance but also represents luxury. Portofino IW458107 has a date window and a waterproof depth of 30M. The IW458107 with luxury and elegance is also one of the Best Replica IWC Watches in my mind.

Portofino IW459101 37MM

REPLICA IWC Portofino IW459101

IW459101 is Automatic Day and Night in Portofino. replica IWC IW459101 has a total of 78 diamonds and a blue alligator strap. In addition to the 66 on the bezel, there are 12 on the hour scale of the dial. Day and Night means a small 24-hour display in the center of the dial. This is the dial for the second time zone. In addition, to make it easier to read the time in the second time zone. The upper half of the small circle represents the dark night with dark green, and the lower half represents daylight with white. The shortest blue hand points to the time in the second time zone. The other three blue hands point to the actual time. The 37W IW459101 has a NO.35700 movement. It has a power reserve of 42 hours and a water resistance of 30M. IW459101 is perfect for people who love to travel.

Pilot’s Automatic IW324001 36MM

replica Pilot's Automatic IW324001

You should know that IWC’s Pilot’s watches are generally 40MM. But IW324001 is the smallest three-handed watch in Pilot’s watches. The dial uses a matte gray polarized dial. The scale on the outermost circle inside the dial is located in the sunken circle. The dark brown alligator strap shows the seriousness of the pilot industry. Although IW324001 is only 36MM, it still uses the anti-magnetic NO.35111 movement. There is a practical date window at three o’clock. And IW324001 has a waterproof depth of 60M. I certainly like such a professional and simple watch.

Portofino IW458110 37MM

Replica IWC Portofino IW458110

The watch band crocodile leather introduced earlier is the time to come to a stainless steel IW458110 bracelet. The IW458110 bracelet is Milanaise mesh stainless steel. Although stainless steel, the 37mm dial brings elegance to the IW458110. The polarized grey dial is also set with 12 diamonds to represent time. The No. 3131 movement used by IW458110 can also store 42 hours of power. There is also a date window at three o’clock. Waterproof depth is also ordinary 30M. The same elegant and luxurious women’s watch is also the reason for my recommendation.

The Best Replica IWC Watches for Women In 2020 written in the article, the design of these watches is relatively ordinary but very stylish. And each is very practical, you can wear these watches every day. If you want to buy more practical replica watches.

Replica Respectable Watches, Rolex VS Cartier

Rolex and Cartier are both luxury brands. We all know that Rolex has always sold luxury watches. But Cartier sells not only watches but also various accessories and diamonds. I guess most women who know Cartier are because of wedding rings. But don’t forget that the most classic Tank watches are from Cartier. Whether it is Rolex, which is dedicated to making watches, or Cartier, which is owned by both watches and gems, they are respectable watches. Today we take a closer look at Rolex VS Cartier.

Replica Respectable Watches Rolex Design style Replica Respectable Watches Cartier


Cartier has a longer history than Rolex.

Replica Respectable Watches Cartier first Watch
Cartier’s history in France dates back to 1847. At that time, the Cartier brand had close links with the royal family and celebrities. And Cartier is known as “The King of Jewelers.” But please note that it is “jeweler” and not “watch”. Cartier’s first watch appeared with 1904. This watch is a men’s watch called Santos, a practical watch designed for Brazilian pilot Alberto. Known by others, Tank was designed by Cartier in 1917. So in a strict sense, Cartier’s watch history should start in 1904.

replica Rolex first waterproof watch Oyster
Rolex was established by Hans in 1905. But in the next 20 years, Rolex did not release watches but researched. Only in 1926, Rolex released the first waterproof watch Oyster. Beginning in 1945, Rolex began producing series with special characteristics. For example, Datejust in 1945, Submariner in 100M in 1953, GMT-Master in 1954 which can display multiple time zones, Day-Date in 1956 and DeepSea with thousands of feet diving depth. In short, Rolex is making practical watches for professional scholars: divers, pilots, scientists, racers, explorers and more.
So the history of these two respectable watches brands is 22 years apart.

Brand Reputation

Both Rolex and Cartier brands are 100% recognized worldwide. Everyone wants to own them, but many people don’t have enough money to buy them. Here I recommend, this online store has many top quality replica watches and is reputable.
As far as the prestige of the two watch brands is concerned, to be honest, Rolex watches have a better reputation than Cartier watches. Cartier watches are indeed very popular, but Cartier watches are generally regarded as beautiful and noble jewelry. So Cartier is called a jewelry brand.
Rolex provides convenience for a large number of social workers because of the professionalism and sportiness of replica watches. So Rolex is not only jewelry but also a tool. So functional Rolex watches have a better reputation than Cartier.

Design Style

Replica Respectable Watches Rolex Replica Respectable Watches Cartier Design Style

Although Rolex is fully functional, Cartier’s design is more diverse. Cartier has various shapes of cases and straps, but Rolex only has a round dial. If you often wear suits and shoes, then I suggest you choose Cartier. If you exercise regularly, I recommend Rolex. How to choose these two respectable watches brands still depends on your preference.

Material And Accuracy

Rolex uses patented 904L stainless steel, which has strong corrosion resistance. Although Cartier’s steel is better than other watch brands, it also has oxidation problems.  If you buy Rolex and Cartier for the same price, you will get more precious metals from Cartier watches. And in terms of chronographs, Cartier retails even cheaper.
But in terms of time accuracy, Rolex wins. The movements used by Rolex are all COSC certified with an accuracy of + 2–2 seconds per day. And Cartier does not have such a good movement, so it does not have an accuracy of + 2–2 seconds.

Appreciation Range

Whether it is Rolex or Cartier, the magnitude of the added value of these two respectable watches varies depending on the style. Because of the effects of Rolex’s media promotion, Rolex has a lot of room for appreciation. Of course, some Cartier with special meaning can also bring great benefits. If you accidentally see replica Rolex Submariner 116610LV, buy it now and without hesitation.

Rolex and Cartier are respectable watches brands. If you have to choose a watch between Rolex and Cartier, my recommendation is Rolex. Because Rolex is more practical. But I have to say that the watches made by Cartier as “jewelry brands” are really attractive.